From Pastor's Desk


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever… He remembered us in our low estate
His love endures forever. (Psalm 136: 1, 23)

By the time this issue of Triune is released we would have celebrated the church’s 35th anniversary on Sunday July 28th.What are somethings that we can reasonably do to celebrate this milestone in the life of AICC. Here are some of my musings about the church’s anniversary:

The church anniversary can be a time to remember and honor the founders God used to start this church. We commend them for their vision, hard work, persistence, and perseverance to continue the work in the face of mounting pressure to give up. Pastor Kumar and others will have stories to reminisce about how the plan to start was conceived and the people who were instrumental in supporting this vision. The founders will remember every small detail if you probe them a little further. They will mention the names of the few families that gathered the first time they met and even the “first offering” that was
received and consecrated. It is important for us, who are far removed from the days of AICC’s inception, to recollect these stories and record them in the annals of the church’s story so that future generations will be reminded of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

This can be an amazing opportunity to remember our humble beginnings. I am always reminded of the parable of the Mustard Seed, where the small plant grows to unprecedented proportions. The emphasis on the bird of the air making nest in these trees has a very different connotation. As one scholar puts it, the birds refer to the “Gentiles seeking refuge with Israel.” I think a more relatable reference can be about the kingdom being a place for ‘all nations’, which means that the call of the church is to be inviting of people whom God will bring our way. God is slowly but surely bringing in people from all walks of
life and nations into the threshold of this church. We praise God for this amazing opportunity to minister to “all” of God’s people.

I believe this can be a time of “celebrating God’s continuous work.” In Acts, there are references time after time about God adding new people to the church. This adding new people was an act of God more than that of the Apostles – “and the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” (Acts 2:47). As the pastor of the church, I am humbled by the way we have grown these past few years. As God multiplies, we are called to do our share of showing hospitality to people whom God will bring our way. I am energized to see the camaraderie that is exemplified in our congregation as we welcome
newcomers to the church.

There is a lot that we can say as we celebrate the church’s anniversary. Here is my one last thing and that is to Embrace the Future that God has set for us. I do not really know the path that God has set for us but as much as it is uncertain I am called to embrace this uncertainty.A church that is integrated into the
community and serving it’s neighbors without any reservations is the way forward. There is fear and
trepidation as we move forward to embrace the new things that God is doing among us. Our task is to offer our anxieties to the One who calms our fears.

Finally, I for one would like to mark this milestone with inaugurating a ministry that will remind us of our
call to embrace people of “all nations.” Our recent visit to a college campus to observe the ministry
among students of different ethnic backgrounds and religious persuasion gave us something to
think about. I believe this can be something that AICC can partner and forge a new path as we enter
another year of God’s doing. May the Lord guide us as we embark on this journey.
Happy Anniversary AICC,

Rev. Kamalesh Stephen

January 1, 2025

From Pastor's Desk


I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…(NIV) Philippians 1: 3-5 Dear Family of AICC: I was intrigued by this phrase “partnership in the gospel” as … Continue reading “FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK”

December 1, 2024

From Pastor's Desk


I have heard so many of you say, especially families who are buying new homes and moving out of their apartments, “we can’t believe how much we have accumulated over the years that we have been living in this apartment.” I don’t know about you, but I am natural hoarder. Accumulating “stuff” comes naturally to … Continue reading “MAKING ROOM THIS ADVENT”

November 1, 2024

From Pastor's Desk


While browsing the internet, I landed on a site that informed me of special days during the month of November to remember and celebrate someone special or some significant event. I am not going to list or highlight all of them in this newsletter but somethings that are relevant for us as a church. On … Continue reading “PAUSE, REMEMBER AND GIVE THANKS”

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