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Hello! Thanks for taking time to visit our AICC website. We wish and welcome you to visit us in person. For sure you will enjoy the friendly, loving and sharing family of AICC. Various ministries within the church and outreach ministries here in US and abroad may interest you. You also have choices to make to be involved in any of your field of interest. AICC believes in prayer, praise and fellowship, and would love for you to be a part of anything we do. Please do get to know of our upcoming events and share your talents, and be a blessing and be blessed by being part of our fellowship. God bless. – Rev. Dr. Kamalesh Stephen

Jesus says in John 10:10 that he came to give us life, and not just any life, but life to the full. God wants that for you, and we do, too.
That kind of life starts with making Jesus the forgiver and leader of our lives. When we do that, we start an incredible journey where God’s in the driver seat instead of us. We make Jesus the leader of our lives. The beautiful thing about it is that as we let him lead, Jesus does so much more with it than we ever could. ‘To say to Jesus, “I need you, and I trust you with my life”–it’s the best decision you could ever make. So what’s next?
We enjoy being a non-denominational church where we work together,
worship together, and grow together.
Serving at AICC is a great way to get connected, add value to your life, and make a difference in the lives of others. We will help you find the right fit based on your passion, personality, and availability.