From Pastor's Desk


I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…(NIV)

Philippians 1: 3-5

Dear Family of AICC:

I was intrigued by this phrase “partnership in the gospel” as I read my morning devotion one morning. This phrase beautifully describes us as I reflected on things that we did as a congregation during 2024. I am writing this note to commend you for your “partnership in the gospel”.

Partnership for the Apostle meant working together or keeping each other accountable in matters relating to faith. It also meant working together in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ – his life, death, resurrection and His coming again. Partnership is a key term and is often repeated in all his epistles. He firmly believed that faith, ministry and mission is a communal effort and requires all of us to do our share.

Here are some ways you exemplified your partnership in the Gospel:

  • The morning prayer at 6AM is a principal example of this partnership. The Apostle was all about the partnership in prayer. He would often urge his church to pray for him as he prays for them. You gathered to offer prayers without compulsion or coercion. God, during 2024, has done great things in answer to pray and will continue as we diligently seek Him in 2025.
  • We saw this “partnership” in full display as you took the time to prepare and pass on the faith to our children in Sunday school, preteens, and teens. We must seek new and creative ways to conduct Christian education in the new year for all age groups (including adults).
  • The media, praise and worship, scripture readers, and those who helped with setting the altar all worked in tandem (working in conjunction with each other) for meaningful worship every Sunday morning.
  • The Apostle Paul was all about ministry and mission (to the poor and marginalized) when he mentions about partnership. Jesus and the early church were all about seeking the poor and the disadvantaged. I am grateful to the missions’ team for identifying new avenues to serve the poor and the disadvantaged.
  • Partnership says a lot about who we are in relationship to one another. It means that when one of us is hurting it is the obligation of Christian love for all of us to share that hurt. You walked alongside the families especially the ones who were hurting with grace and resolve.
  • God helped us this year to forge a new partnership with the student ministry at a local college. It is my prayer that this will blossom into a lasting relationship.

Partnership is never easy but is the most commendable thing to do. Partnership is a wonderful gift of grace and the source of our unity. For some of us it comes naturally and for others it is a stretch. If we continue to show faithfulness in this partnership, God will offer us more ways to serve Him in 2025. Hear what Paul reminds us in his letter to the Ephesians: “There is one body and one Spirit–just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call–one Lord, one faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:4-6). May we engage in a God honoring partnership in 2025 and may God use our gifts and talents for the extension of His kingdom.

Rev. Kamalesh Stephen

February 1, 2025

From Pastor's Desk

Epiphany – Be Surprised

Unlike last year, we will have to wait another month before we begin the season of Lent. We are still in the season of Epiphany as we journey thru February. A textbook definition of Epiphany is a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand. In other words, it is that “aha” moment, a moment … Continue reading “Epiphany – Be Surprised”

December 1, 2024

From Pastor's Desk


I have heard so many of you say, especially families who are buying new homes and moving out of their apartments, “we can’t believe how much we have accumulated over the years that we have been living in this apartment.” I don’t know about you, but I am natural hoarder. Accumulating “stuff” comes naturally to … Continue reading “MAKING ROOM THIS ADVENT”

November 1, 2024

From Pastor's Desk


While browsing the internet, I landed on a site that informed me of special days during the month of November to remember and celebrate someone special or some significant event. I am not going to list or highlight all of them in this newsletter but somethings that are relevant for us as a church. On … Continue reading “PAUSE, REMEMBER AND GIVE THANKS”

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