We meet for fellowship- coffee, food, and conversation- after worship every Sunday. This fellowship time is integral to who we are as a church. Like many immigrant churches in the United States, which seeks to shepherd its members thru their adjustment to a new environment, the Asian Indian Christian Church then and even now offers that stability and safety to new immigrants thru their weekly fellowship time. This church has always been a home away from home for many new families. We really do pride over our fellowship not only in the church but also in the homes of our church families.
Men’s Fellowship
Year 2022, was an amazing year when the church woke up to the need of prayer to revive our congregation in different phases of their lives. Men were not exception and in fact, delegated with an awesome responsibility of leading the family in the spiritual path, much more is expected of them when they themselves desperately needed prayers to shun all their mundane worldly activities and accept the fact their spiritual standing is in stake if they don’t do something soon to turn a new leaf in their God’s calling as head of the family.

Women’s Fellowship
The year 2022 was an exciting year for the Women of our church. As chairwomen Mrs. Sumitra Stephen came up with the idea to choose 2 coordinators to lead women’s fellowship, all women present agreed that it was an excellent idea and welcomed the decision. Two coordinators – Mrs. Beulah Samson and Mrs. Takhsela Balvin was chosen as co-workers to share the responsibilities and leadership in His service. With God’s guidance and strength, we started women’s fellowship activities. God has gifted and talented women in our church, plus we added new members our group. All praise and glory be to our God!

Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day celebration

Transformative journey through our community as we embark on a 5K Resurrection Walk

Father’s Day
Father’s day Celebration

Annual Retreat.
AICC comes together for an Annual Retreat. The plenary sessions and the group time are a blessing to all those who attend. It’s a great time for gathering, learning, and fellowshipping with the members of AICC.

Daily Morning Prayer
The congregation comes together every morning daily from 6-6:15 AM, excluding weekends for the prayer session online through Zoom.

Monthly Fasting & Prayer
Monthly Fasting & Prayer take place on the first Saturday of the month at 10 AM, in-person with an option for participants to join online through Zoom.

First Of The Month Online Service
The congregation comes together online through Zoom at the beginning of every month at 6 AM.

Christmas Carols
Carolers come together to visit our church families to sing carols of praise and pray with the families.