What’s our story?
Asian Indian Christian Church (AICC) is a vibrant church with several ministries, programs and activities designed to spread the Good News of the Gift of Salvation to all people. Our vision is to help everyone CONNECT with God in worship and study; encourage each to bear WITNESS to God outside the church and ENRICH the lives of others in the name of Christ.
AICC was born out of a vision to bring people together for Christian worship, fellowship, service and mission. It was established in July 1989 with a commitment to fulfil the spiritual, social and cultural needs of the Asian Indian community. Over the years, AICC has witnessed tremendous growth in membership and expansion in its ministry. AICC is a vibrant church with several ministries, programs and activities designed to spread the Good News of the Gift of Salvation to all people. AICC has touched the lives of many people in the Tri-state area over the past 30+ years by sharing the Love of Jesus, while helping them to grow. AICC serves as a shining beacon for families desiring unique worship and fellowship experiences.
AICC always seeks for opportunity to serve the local community and also desires to minister to people of any ethnic group that God brings our way. It also seeks to build partnerships with other local congregations of any denomination to serve the community.
…about our Worship
The worship service blends the worship style of modern contemporary praise and worship songs with the more traditional hymns. The praise and worship led by talented musicians especially by the young adults certainly is our pride and joy. We are sure that you will find a place in this worship setting whether you are from a traditional high church or a free style non-denominational worship style.

…about the Church
We are multilingual, multidenominational and multiethnic in our makeup. The church is ecumenical (multidenominational) in that the membership is drawn from different denominations. We have families who have worshipped previously in the Anglican or Methodist or Lutherans or Assemblies of God now worshipping in this setting. The rich diversity of our denominational affiliation is our strength.

…about our Belief
We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired, the infallible, and authoritative Word of God.
We believe that the scriptures contained in the Holy Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, are the basis for the faith and life of the congregation.
We believe that the Gospel is the revelation of God’s will and saving grace in Jesus Christ. In Him the Word Incarnate, God imparts Himself to mankind.
We believe that for the salvation of men and women, he/she should be born again in the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Nicene Creed and the Apostles’ Creed

…about Bible Study and Cell Groups
In the past, we have tried different avenues to build the church community with the Word of God. Cell groups that met during the week in the homes of church members to care groups that met virtually thru the pandemic and weekly Bible studies at church are some ways that we have been meeting these needs. We are always exploring new ways to build upon the spiritual needs of our church members. If you are interested in assisting with care groups, please call or email the pastor
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…about Sunday School
Sunday school is held during the worship service. After the children’s segment, they go to their respective Sunday school sections for a deeper study of the Word. Children from toddlers to middle school meet every Sunday for study and worship. We place great emphasis on our children being grounded in the faith. Individual members of the church who are deeply rooted in the faith serve as teachers and mentors for the children. The curriculum is creative and engaging and meets the developmental needs of every age group. We are proud of our children’s holistic development both in the word and deed towards their neighbor. The children engage in outreach efforts to the community in BH and beyond. If you are interested in assisting with the Sunday school, please call or email the Sunday school coordinators.
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…about Fellowship
We meet for fellowship- coffee, food, and conversation- after worship every Sunday. This fellowship time is integral to who we are as a church. Like many immigrant churches in the United States, which seeks to shepherd its members thru their adjustment to a new environment, the Asian Indian Christian Church then and even now offers that stability and safety to new immigrants thru their weekly fellowship time. This church has always been a home away from home for many new families. We really do pride over our fellowship not only in the church but also in the homes of our church families.
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…about our Missions
Our global mission partners include mission agencies in India, Myanmar and Zambia. The projects include but not limited to church planting, evangelism, childcare, community development and relief and rehabilitation. Our vision to meet the holistic need of individuals was heightened during this pandemic by providing medical and other needs.
Our main goal of our Local Mission is to find ways to get involved in the immediate community and others surrounding it. We have reached out to the needs of the immediate community during the pandemic thru our pantry cupboard. Other communities surrounding the church have also experienced the generosity of this congregation. The backpack for school children in September, the Thanksgiving basket for needy families, toys for children and food baskets and winter blankets during Christmas are some of our yearly outreach efforts to the local community.
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..about our Teen Ministry
The AICC teens had a great first year together. In 2022, the teens focused on team building and Bible Study and did some fundraising as well. The teens met together and baked and wrapped some yummy goods for the Annual AICC Sports Outreach. The teens were able to raise enough money to support one child in India. • For the Harvest Festival, the teens brought some fun with their games, face painting and tattoos. Through their creativity and uplifting presence, we were able to raise funds for the Church missions.
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..about our Sports Outreach
AICC is truly grateful to God for enabling our church to organize the Tenth annual “AICC SPORTS OUTREACH” – an inter-church Sports tournament. The outreach event took place in Timothy Christian School, Piscataway, NJ on Saturday November 19th, 2024. We are deeply grateful for Timothy Christian School for partnering with AICC by opening their Gym for Sports Outreach ministry.
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